
Mainnet: The primary network where a blockchain project’s transactions are recorded and operated in a real, live environment. It’s the final, fully developed version of the blockchain, where actual tokens have real economic value, and the transactions are immutable. Transitioning a project from a testnet (a testing environment with no real value at stake) to the mainnet signifies that the blockchain is fully operational and open for public use. This is a critical milestone in a project’s lifecycle, indicating readiness for mass adoption and real-world application. The launch of a mainnet is often accompanied by significant scrutiny and excitement, as it reflects the project’s transition from development to real-world deployment.

Examples of mainnet launches include the initial release of the Ethereum blockchain, Bitcoin’s network going live, or any major blockchain platform transitioning from a testing phase to live operation.

“Finally moved our project to the mainnet. It’s thrilling to see real transactions happening on our platform!”


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