
A Validator is a participant in a blockchain network responsible for verifying and validating new transactions and blocks according to the network’s rules. In blockchain systems that use a Proof of Stake (PoS) or similar consensus mechanisms, validators play a crucial role. They replace miners from Proof of Work (PoW) systems, using their own cryptocurrency holdings as a stake to ensure the integrity of their validations.

Validators are essential for maintaining the network’s security and trustworthiness. They check transactions for correctness, ensure there are no double-spends, and add valid transactions to the blockchain. In return for their services, validators receive rewards, typically in the form of transaction fees or network tokens.

“I view Validators as essential guardians of the blockchain, ensuring each transaction is accurate and trustworthy.”

Market Liquidity

A measure of how easily assets can be bought or sold in the market without...


Liquidity in the cryptocurrency world signifies the capacity to buy or sell assets swiftly without...

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